
Kristian Fabbri was Born in Lecco 13 August 1974.

Degree in Architecture in 1999, Faculty of Architecture in Polytechnic of Milan.

Thesis title "Conservation and installations a development of installed components in existing heritage buildings"[tutor prof.M.Dezzi Bardeschi, Christian Campanella, G.Dall'O'].

Assistant Tutor in the Physical Technical Study in Polytechnic of Milan (prof.G.Dall'O')

Incoming the Architect Profession in 2000 in Villa Verucchio (RN) Italy. 

In the same year started collaboration with Faculty of Architecture in Cesena (University of Bologna) in the Environmental Physic Technique Area and course (prof Valerio Tarabusi).

My Interests area Sustainable Architecture and Environmental, Bio-Climatic Architecture and Renewable Energy and Plant

I am Especially interested about a relationship between Architecture and Energy Flow, to project and conservation building.

Professional update Course and workshops in "Energy saving in Buildings" [Edicom] "Instruments and resources for environmental-bio-climatic projecting" [Archè]; Course of Bio-Climatic Architecture (ANAB)

"Specialization course in fire prevention for professional Engineers and Architects" and Notice Board for Fire Prevention in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

contact: E.Mail. kristian.fabbri@arch.unibo.it

c/o Facoltà di Architettura di Cesena,Università di Bologna, via Cavalcavia Cesena

Kristian Fabbri via Ugo Foscolo 18 47827 V.Verucchio (RN) Italy

cell.339743728 - fax ++39 +541 785486